This document sets out the Environmental Policy for The Stickleback Fish Company. It covers all activities undertaken by us in the course of our business operations.

Along with all of our policies this will be reviewed annually by our senior board to ensure it is accurate and up to date.  It will be form part of our internal policies and will be made available as required to interested parties externally.

Policy Statement

We are committed to minimising the environmental impact of our operations and activities, as far as is reasonably practical, and using our influence to promote better environmental outcomes.

Concern for the environment is integral to our professional activities and we are committed to its protection, including the prevention of pollution.

We will comply with all legislation, standards, statutory and other obligations, client policies and best practice, where required, reasonably practicable and relevant to our activities and the areas in which we operate.


This policy aims to integrate a philosophy of sustainable development and to support continual improvement in our operations to help us protect the environment by reducing the impact of our activities.


We see everyone as sharing responsibility for the implementation of this policy.  We want this to be our way of working not just a policy to adhere to.

All staff are given access to and training on our policies and procedures as part of their induction.  They will also be fully aware of them on a daily basis through the work we do and our business practices.  This is throughout every part of the company.

Line managers have responsibility to ensure our rules are followed and our Management Board lead and meet every month to review each part of the business.


The key elements of this policy will be achieved through our commitment to:

  • assess the environmental impacts of the company’s activities during the purchase, process and dispatch of its products
  • reduce the amount of waste produced;
  • monitor and reduce the consumption of raw materials, water and fuels;
  • reduce and/or limit the discharge of pollutants to water, land and air;
  • use recyclable and renewable materials where possible;
  • limit the noise in and around the site; and
  • lessen the risk to employees and members of the public from processes and activities associated with the company.


These commitments are made alongside our Sustainability statement:

Seasonality affects the availability, quality and sustainability of fresh fish. At Stickleback, we are serious about our shared responsibility to protect the natural environment and seafood stocks for future generations.

We are proud to be members of an exclusive club of fish suppliers holding the prestigious Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) Chain of Custody Standard (MSC-C-53997). This ensures the traceability of certified sustainable seafood through every stage of processing, from fishery to final consumer.  Our direct relationships with several suppliers, processors and individual fisherman across the UK allows us to source the best fish from sustainable sources.

The company will foster environmental awareness and understanding in all employees, suppliers, customers, subcontractors and other stakeholders. Where practicable, the company will provide information and assistance to customers on environmental issues arising from its products and services.